Suggested Itineraries
Let us recommend some tour itineraries which start from Hiroshima Bus Terminal and efficiently explore interesting places in the Chugoku Region( Hiroshima, Shimane and Tottori). Please enjoy wonderful nature, meet cute animals, learn about art and savor tasty food. Some tickets offer special benefits, so be sure to make full use of them?
- The Perfect Shimane Excursion World Heritage & Japan
Heritage Excursion
Castle, Shrine and Hot springs
- The Perfect Shimane Excursion
The course goes to Matsue and Izumo. Matsue boasts a beautiful original castle. The sunset seen from Sinji Lake is a breathtaking view. Izumo Taisha Shrine is famous for a god which has the power of matchmaking.
Time required: first day: 7 hours and moresecond day: 7.5hours and more
Matsue LineAbout 180 minutes
JR Matsue Station
Local Bus
Ichibata Electric Railway▶About 10 minutes
Matsue Shinjiko-Onsen
(Hot Spring) -
Accomodation :
Mtasue Shinjiko-OnsenIchibata Railway
About 60 minutes
Izumotaisha-mae Station
About 5 minutes
Izumotaisha-mae Station
Ichibata Railway
About 60 minutes
Matsue Shinjiko-Onsen
(Hot Spring) -
Local Bus
About 20 minutes
JR Matsue Station
Matsue lineAbout 180 minutes
World Heritage &
Japan Heritage Excursion
The course goes to Iwami. Kagura(Shinto Dance) of Iwami is based on Japanese mythologies and has been passed down for generations as traditional performing art. Iwami Silver Mine Ruins is registered as World Heritage by UNESCO.
Time required: first day: 5 hours or moresecond day: 7 hours or more
Hamada LineAbout 125 minutes
JR Hamada Station
Local Bus
About 15 minutes
JR Hamada Station
JR Limited
EX OKIAbout 50 minutes
JR Odashi Station
Accomodation :
Odashi Staition AreaLocal bus
About 30 minutes
Omori Bus Stop
About 20 minutes
Omori Bus Stop
Iwami Ginzan
LineAbout 155 minutes